Comp 121

Chapter 11 Study Guide

Chapter 11

What is procedural programming? What are the reasons for the disenchantment with procedural-based programs?


What are the two basic characteristics an object can be specified by?


What is a class? What is an abstract data type?


In C++, how is a class constructed? What are the two parts to the construction? What is the general format for class declarations?


What do the keywords public and private do?


What is the general form of functions included in the implementation section?


What is the constructor function? How is it declared?


How is a class used within the context of a complete program?


What are variables defined to be of a user-declared class referred to as?


What is the standard syntax for referring to an object’s attribute and to an object’s method?


When and how are constructors called?


What are overloaded and inline constructors?


What are destructors? How many of them can there be per class?


How do you declare arrays of objects?